Barry Giordano, MEd, MSSS, LICSW
Licensed Clinician
Barry Giordano MEd, MSSS, LICSW, has been a licensed ( RI, MA & CT ) and practicing psychotherapist for over 50 years. He holds a Master's Degree in Social Service from Boston University and a Master's Degree in Counseling Psychology from Northeastern University. He completed Advanced Clinical Training in Behavioral Medicine through the Mind/Body Medical Institute and a Certificate Program in Primary Care Behavioral Health offered by the University of Massachusetts Medical School.
During the course of his professional career he has developed and implemented a Legal Medicine Practicum for Northeastern University's Graduate Counseling Program, and he has been a Field Instructor for both Boston College and Rhode Island College Graduate Social Work Schools.
His work experiences have involved a wide variety of environments including colleges, correctional institutions, community health and mental health centers, general and psychiatric hospitals and private practice groups. He has also consulted with banks, military organizations, casinos, a major pharmaceutical corporation, the Mashantucket Pequot Tribal Nation and various cities and towns.
While he has worked with individuals presenting with complex mental health challenges (eg. depression, relationship issues, life adjustment difficulties) he has had a special interest in helping those struggling with various forms of disruptive anxiety including acute distress, chronic generalized anxiety, panic attacks, social insecurities and fears, disabling obsessive compulsive symptoms and specific phobias (dental anxiety, public speaking, medical test anxiety, driving fears etc).
At the center of all planning for both individual and group therapy are the convictions that those coming for help are valued for their unique life perspectives and that they provide the direction of their treatment while therapy hopefully provides the knowledge, skills and a path to successfully test what they have learned.
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